Friday 19 April 2019

Getting a lot of things started...not getting very much "done"

I can definitely say the spirit of hobby A.D.D. is alive and well.

In the past couple of weeks I've started several projects but haven't actually finished any of them.  I need to get at least one of these off my "to do" list this weekend just to get back into the swing of things.

First up I've got my first two Dungeons & Doggies miniatures by Steamforged Games.

I got these via a very well executed and delivered Kickstarter (I think I received the models almost  month AHEAD of schedule).  Originally Zoe (who is also painting a doggie) and I were doing these for an online painting contest on Facebook but once I left Facebook the urgency to complete the models instantly evaporated.  I'm actually planning on the smaller dog being a companion animal for Garkas in the Saltmarsh game I'm playing in, hence the matching bases with my sailors.

Next I'm finally planning on playing Warhammer Quest Silver Tower and decided to paint the Excelsior Warpriest and his loyal Gryph-hound as my character.

I actually just started these and have to figure out my bases and patiently layer on some white robes but they should be done sometime this coming week.

My final project is actually the one I started last but probably need to complete first.  In my last Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay game my gravedigger character Jurgen came to a comically tragic end, and therefore I need a replacement.  I rolled up a duelist and quickly assembled one for one from those fantastic Empire Militia sprues.

I may have mentioned this before but the current version of Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay is great!  It does a really good job of capturing the flavour of the original game while being a lot less crunchy.  It's definitely more complex than D&D 5e but not so complex it slows down game-play.

Let's hope I have something finished to show off soon.


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