Tuesday 25 June 2019

Review - Call From The Deep

I was fortunate enough to get a preview copy of JVC Parry's newest offering on DMsGuild; Call From The Deep and having had  some time to read an absorb the material I'd like to share my thoughts.

Call From The Deep is a nautically themed adventure with a little something for everyone.  Slightly Cthulhu?  Check!  Pirates and high seas adventure?  Check!  A little haunting?  Check!  Heavy use of an iconic D&D monster?  Check!  A scratch for your Spelljammer itch?  Check!

I will preface my review by simply stating that I was stunned by the length, depth and production quality of this book.  The book weighs in at a whopping 270 pages (for context that is a slightly higher page count than Curse Of Strahd) and is chock full of absolutely fantastic and evocative artwork and maps.  I would easily say the quality of this book is on par with anything Wizards Of The Coast has published themselves.

In addition to the excellent use of art and maps the layout with regular breakout sections and clear subsections makes it a very easy read for a book with this much content.  I particularly liked how much focus was given to each significant NPCs motivation and personality, the level of description provided should make each NPC easy for DMs to role-play and memorable for players to encounter. 

The adventure features many different nautically themed locations that all manage to feel unique and important with a character all their own.  Flavour text is descriptive and evocative without being overly long or drawn out.

The thing I appreciate most about Call From The Deep from a DM perspective is that it is a massive campaign length adventure broken down into bite-sized pieces that are incredibly easy to absorb and then run for your players.  The art and flavour text will make the settings and characters come alive for the DM and then they can use that immersion to deliver a truly fun and satisfying experience for their players.

Call From The Deep is available from DMsGuild now at  https://www.dmsguild.com/product/280922/Call-from-the-Deep?term=call+from+the+deep and I can't recommend it highly enough.  The amount of content contained herein is a bargain at the price and I can guarantee your players will enjoy it....unless maybe they get sea sick or are allergic to shellfish.



  1. That sounds pretty amazing! I have to get that. :)

    1. This is easily the "you-est" product in the history of D&D.
