Saturday 23 December 2017

Monster Manual Advent Calendar - Day 23

Yet another Owlbear!

You know how sometimes you can be very descriptive and specific about why you like something, and sometimes you just like it because you like it?  For me since my earliest days in D&D I've just liked the Owlbear because I like it. 

The Owlbear is exactly what it sounds like.  A hybrid creature that is part owl, part bear.  Over the years the Owlbear has appeared as a wilderness encounter in almost every non-horror campaign I've run.

This particular Owlbear is something slightly new for me.  I've painted  a number of Owlbears over the years but they have always been posed up on their hind legs poised to attack.  This Owlbear is in a more  bear-like pose and in spite of being my fourth or fifth Owlbear model feels unique and different.

The Owlbear is definitely my personal favourite D&D monster, what's yours?



  1. The OWLBEAR IS THE BEST D&D monster of all time! Your paint job looks great J! If OWLBEAR is day 23 of your advent what could be day 24??????? Can't wait till tomorrow. !

    1. Thanks man!

      Day 24 is a more obscure (and somewhat interpretive) "creature" but may be a familiar character to some.

      I don't have a Soth...but I do have somebody else.
