But...then you see a celebrity player play the same character across two campaigns and a variety of one-shots and realise; nope, this person is pretty serious about their D&D.
Meet Arkhan The Cruel.
Arkhan is the Dragonborn Oath-breaker Paladin played by Joe Manganiello across a number of different games and now appearing as an NPC in the newly released Baldur's Gate Descent Into Avernus.
This miniature is by Gale Force 9 and depicts Arkhan immediately after severing his own hand and replacing it with the hand of Vecna. Initially I acquired this model with the intention of running Descent Into Avernus, but it now looks like that won't be happening. I'm still stoked to have a really nice Dragonborn model to add to my collection and I have begun thinking lately; maybe Arkhan would make a good Darklord for Ravenloft?
I have a feeling Arkhan will be making an appearance in a game soon, I just have to decide what game and in what capacity.
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