Wednesday, 2 January 2013

Another civilian joins the fray.

Last night I finished another touched-up Heroclix model to add to my growing pile of civilian models for modern gaming.

The thing that is great about this figure is also somewhat ironic; in my opinion it's a very poorly executed version of the character it is intended to be and therefore makes a perfect "generic" civilian model.  Can any of you who aren't familiar with the Heroclix range (and without using your Google-fu) tell me which DC or Marvel character this figure is meant to represent?

My progress on a number of projects contiunes on slowly and steadily.  And it looks like I may kick off February with an extremely random (and long overdue) batch of sci-fi miniature painting for my latest painting bet with my arch-nemesis Darren.

Onward and upward!


Her superpower is handing you large sheets of paper.


  1. She-Hulk in Lawyer clothes?
    Amanda Waller maybe?

    1. Would you believe Diana Prince? (Wonder Woman)

      So, you can see where I've got no real concern someone will look at that fig and say "no, that can't be Jane Doe, it's Wonder Woman!)


  2. Dang! I found out last night when I played Ryan and he put her on the field!

    1. That alter-ego ability is rough if you don't recognize the miniatures.

    2. That alter-ego ability is rough if you don't recognize the miniatures.

  3. arch-nemesis Darren says" Mmmmwwwahahaha, more space hulk models to be painted by my slave painting minions!"
