Sunday 16 December 2012

Secret Santa: Gun Mage Captain Adept

Well today was the big reveal at Strategies Games & Hobbies of the Secret Santa miniatures.

I know Darren is going to be sending me shots of the entries but I thought I'd start out by showing the model I painted.

One of the things I found tricky when I started this project was that I really had NO idea what to use a guideline for painting.  I started off by assuming that the person I was painting the figure for was probably following the colour guides in the Cygnar army book for Warmachine but even then this gave me pause, if I tried to paint to match an army I've never seen in person and everything came out 1 shade or tone or highlight off it would end up looking terrible because it would look like a failled attempt to blend in.  In the end I decided to go for a colour scheme that was probably completely different than the rest of the army the figure would be in but still somehow captured the 'feel' of the army.  So on it's most basic level I took what I perceived to be a colonial era American military uniform and painted it as a colonial era British military uniform.  I'm sure it's different but I hope the receipient is satisfied with the look of the figure and how it feels in his force.

To be honest it's got me thinking about painting up some Warmachine stuff again.....


Stand fast and prepare to be fireballed!

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